The Full Experience: The Journey to Emotional Healing + The Power of Boundaries + Fill Your Cup First + The Self{ish} Project 8 week Self Study course

Access our entire suite of emotional home study programs, for a truly immersive experience. Save EXTRA, when you purchase the full bundle.


The Self{ish} Project Home Study Program- $297 value:

Tired of always pouring into others, but never filling your own cup? It's time for a deep dive into self{love} self{care} and self{healing}. Time to finally put your{SELF} first.

The Self{ish} Project will take you on a guided journey of reflection, awareness, healing and growth.

In this 8 week SELF-PACED experience you will learn about what drives your behavior and that of others, commit to leaving past pain and confusion behind you, build your self-esteem and resilience, set boundaries and own your voice to become the woman you've always known yourself to be.

--> 25 Soulful and Interactive Multi-Media Lessons, Designed to Help You Understand How Stress, Overwhelm and a Lack of Self-Care Got to Where You Are - and

--> Deep and Introspective Workbooks, Exercises and Writing Prompts, empower you to work deeply on yourself and chart a powerful and purposeful path forward. 

-->Tranformative topics such as reprogramming negative self-talk, overcoming "Superwoman Syndrome" and people pleasing, setting loving boundaries, increasing worthiness, healing emotional wounds, supporting your health, speaking up for your dreams and coming fully into the woman you are meant to be, Bi'ithnillah. 

--> More Peace, Confidence, Balance and Happiness

The "Fill Your Cup First" Challenge content - $197 value:

Explore and Apply the "7 Domains of Self-Love" to see radical Improvements in Every Area of Your Life.

Download your very own copy of our popular and transformative 7 day challenge that is literally changing lives. A journey of deep self-exploration and learning about what it TRULY means to love yourself (and have others love you) in "The 7 Domains of Self-Love". 

Most people equate self-love and self-care to facials and lunch out on the town, but it's SO much more. How do you allow people to treat you... how do you treat yourself... how do your honor and nourish your body... what is your relationship with money and what legacy and sadaqah do you want to leave... how do you connect to your LORD.

This transformative challenge is for those who truly want to learn, grow and thrive.


Two Powerful Workshops in One Package! $294 value:


You'll receive instant access to 12 reflective, and action inducing lessons + exercises discussing every aspect of the emotional, behavioral, and practical aspects of setting - and maintaining boundaries. You'll be empowered to understand the ways in which you've relinquished your boundaries, tools for implementing boundaries in every area of life, and especially in dealing with difficult people and situations with grace and self-worth.

Bundle also comes with a 20 page workbook (Soulsheet) to help you apply the content to your life IMMEDIATELY.



You'll receive instant access to 8 in depth, reflective, and action inducing lessons + exercises designed to help you understand the journey necessary to take if you want to truly heal emotionally. Contains a huge focus on understanding your pain, the people and factors contributing to it, and empowering you to take back your life and emotional wellness.

The downloadable course also comes with a 20 page workbook (Soulsheet) to help you apply the content to your life IMMEDIATELY.