Purposeful Muslimah Home Study Course
Ten Keys to Developing the Mindset, Heart, Habits and Relationships of a Purposeful, Happy and Successful Muslim Woman
Based on the foundation of writings by renowned scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim, this transformative course leads one to examine their life in every area and evaluate if they are TRULY living their purpose - ON PURPOSE.
From relationships to time management... finances to entertainment... goal setting, health and ibaadah - what is the proper mindset, the actions, habits, relationships - and HEART required to live your best life as a Muslim women? To gain the love and support of Allah and truly liberate yourself from needing or desiring anything other than that?
Purposeful Muslimah answers those questions and more.
So often we're taught the "what", but not the "how". Purposeful Muslimah takes you by the hand and onto a journey of self-awareness and positive growth for Allah's sake. This course will prompt a deep level of introspection, spiritual honesty, and cultivation of character, and a success mindset Bi'ithnillah.
---> The focus of each of the ten core modules is to understand what constitutes wastefulness in the life of a Muslim, as defined by our noble Shaykh Ibn Al Qayyim. This is paired with real life examples, stories and most importantly - the mindset, habits, actions and relationships needed to bring about the opposite - a purposeful, productive, and happy life.
Below are the Purposeful Muslimah Success Keys you'll be exploring during the course:
Purpose Key #1: Knowledge Which is Acted Upon
Purpose Key #2: Sincerity to Allah and Adherence to the Sunnah of His Messenger (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) - Part 1 & 2
Purpose Key #3: The Proper Love of Allah
Purpose Key #4: A Body that Strives in Allah's Obedience (and the things that hinder that) - Part 1 & 2
Purpose Key #5: Love Which is Governed by What Pleases Allah - Part 1 & 2
Purpose Key #6: Avoiding Deep Contemplation of Things Which do Not Benefit
Purpose Key #7: Time Which is Used to Get Our Affairs in Order & Seek Closeness to Allah
Purpose Key #8: Wealth From Which Charity is Given
Purpose Key #9: Service to That Which Takes You Towards Allah
Purpose Key #10: Having Hope and Fear Only of Allah
Each module is paired with a reflective workbook containing questions and prompts to support you in examining your life in light of each topic, but also in developing a plan for implementing what you're learning, in order to see real world results, In shaa Allah.