Reclaim Your{Self}: "The Self{ish} Project": Self{love} Self{care} Self{healing}

A deep and transformative journey into relcaiming yourSELF, through whol-istic lifestyle principles, emotional healing, spiritual elevation, self-love and sacred self-care for the Muslim woman - Healing Mind, Body & Spirit, Bi'ithnillah

Tired of always pouring into others, but never filling your own cup? It's time to finally put your{SELF} first.

The Self{ish} Project will take you on a guided journey of reflection, awareness, healing and growth.

In this 8 week SELF PACED experience you will commit to leaving past pain and confusion behind you, build your self-esteem and resilience, set boundaries and own your voice to become the woman you've always known yourself to be.

--> 25 Soulful and Interactive Multi-Media Lessons

--> Deep and Introspective Workbooks, Exercises and Writing Prompts

 -->Tranformative topics such as reprogramming negative self-talk, overcoming "Superwoman Syndrome" and people pleasing, setting loving boundaries, increasing worthiness, healing emotional wounds, supporting your health, speaking up for your dreams and coming fully into the woman you are meant to be, Bi'ithnillah.  

--> More Peace, Confidence, Balance and Happiness