"Fill Your Cup First": A Transformational Journey of Awareness, Empowerment, and Love - From the Inside Out

Explore and apply the "7 Domains of Self-Love" to see radical improvements in every area of your life.

"Fill Your Cup First" - Develop Soulful Self-Love & Self-Care in Every Area of Life

Sis, I know you're tired of feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, and unfulfilled. You're constantly serving everyone else - isn't it time to finally move yourself to the front of the line?

Embark upon a journey of deep self-exploration and learning about what it TRULY means to love yourself (and have others love you) by learning the "The 7 Domains of Self-Love". 

Most people equate self-love and self-care to facials and lunch out on the town, but it's SO much more.

How do you allow people to treat you... how do you treat yourself... how do your honor and nourish your body... what is your relationship with money and what legacy and sadaqah do you want to leave... how do you connect to your LORD.

This groundbreaking and transformative program is for those who truly want to show up for themselves in every area of life - and be able to support others, not from an empty cup - but from their overflow.


Challenge Welcome!

Challenge Prep: What IS Self-Love Anyway?

Day 1: Honoring and Nurturing the PHYSICAL

Day 2: Understanding, Honoring, and Harnessing the EMOTIONAL

Day 3: Purifying, Upgrading, Reprogramming, and Guarding the MENTAL

Day 4: Reconnecting to, and Cultivating the SPIRITUAL

Day 5: Setting Boundaries and Purposefully Cultivating the RELATIONAL

Day 6: Understanding, Respecting, Managing, and Not Becoming a Victim to the FINANCIAL

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"Self{ish} Soul Sessions" Journey to Healing Emotional Pain Workshop Content Bundle

NEW Downloadable Bundle: Understanding the Journey of Healing Emotional Pain

"Self{ish} Soul Sessions" Journey to Healing Emotional Pain Workshop Content Bundle

You'll receive instant access to 8 in depth (but digestible), reflective, and action inducing lessons + exercises designed to help you understand the journey necessary to take if you want to truly heal emotionally. Contains a huge focus on understanding your pain, the people and factors contributing to it, and empowering you to take back your life and emotional wellness.

The downloadable bundle also comes with a 20 page workbook (Soulsheet) to help you apply the content to your life IMMEDIATELY.

Your Instant Download Includes the Following Modules:


Lesson 1: Workshop Introduction - You CAN Emerge From the Darkness!


​Lesson 2: ​Name Your Pain; Own Your Origin Story

Lesson 3: ​The Cycle of Grief in Relation to Emotional Pain


Lesson 4: Why Me - Letting Go of Victim-hood

Lesson 5: Self Accountability for Your Emotional State


Lesson 6: ​Choose Powerfully and Avoid Getting in Your Own Way

​Lesson 7: Realities of Healing - Things You MUST Be Accountable For


BONUS LESSON: How to Heal Emotionally When You Can't Leave


Plus a 20 Page reflective workbook (Soul sheet) to help you explore your experiences and create a plan to apply the concepts to your life immediately! ​All for only 1 payment of $147!

$147.00 Read more...   Buy now

"Self{ish} Soul Sessions" Boundaries Workshop Content Bundle

Downloadable Workshop Bundle: Erecting Boundaries to Free Your Soul

You'll receive instant access to 12 concise. reflective, and action inducing lessons + exercises discussing every aspect of the emotional, behavioral, and practical aspects of setting - and maintaining boundaries. Bundle also comes with a 20 page workbook (Soulsheet) to help you apply the content to your life IMMEDIATELY.

 Your Boundaries Bundle includes:

Module 1: Setting the Stage
Workshop Introduction
Lesson 1: Defining Boundaries

Module 2: Reality Check/Self-Awareness
Lesson 2: What Does a Lack of Boundaries Look Like
Lesson 3: Why We're So Averse to Setting Healthy Boundaries

Module 3: Expanding Your Awareness
Lesson 4: The Islamic Perspective (Shaking off Fear and Spiritual Guilt)
Lesson 5: How Boundaries Can Free Your Soul and Enhance Your Life
Lesson 6: Key Areas in Which We Lack Boundaries

Module 4: Moving Into Action
Lesson 7: Establishing New Boundaries
Lesson 8: Gaining the Support of Loved Ones
Module 5: Overcoming Challenging Situations
Lesson 9: The Root of Stressed and Dysfunctional Relationships
Lesson 10: Working Through Marital Issues
Lesson 11: Setting Loving Boundaries with DIfficult Children
Lesson 12: Clearing Toxic and Dysfunctional Relationships

+ 20 Page Reflective Workbook

$147.00 Read more...   Buy now

{Self Study} The Soul Cleanse: Liberate Your Soul, Ignite Your Life

A Journey of Spiritual Cleansing, Emotional Release, and Finally Finding Yourself Again.

{Self Study} The Soul Cleanse: Liberate Your Soul, Ignite Your Life

 A Six Week Journey of Spiritual Cleansing, Emotional Release, and Finally Finding Yourself Again.

This 6 week self-paced experience is for sisters who are tired of being held back by past pain, hindered by a lack of self-worth and purpose, and limited by the judgements, expectations and projections of others. In this course, you will commit to doing the work to excavate your true self, reconnect with your fitra (pure essence) and shine the diamond within.

$297.00 Read more...   Buy now

Purposeful Muslimah Home Study Course

Ten Keys to Developing the Mindset, Heart, Habits and Relationships of a Purposeful, Happy and Successful Muslim Woman

Purposeful Muslimah Home Study Course

Based on the foundation of writings by renowned scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim, this transformative course leads one to examine their life in every area and evaluate if they are TRULY living their purpose - ON PURPOSE.

From relationships to time management... finances to entertainment... goal setting, health and ibaadah - what is the proper mindset, the actions, habits, relationships - and HEART required to live your best life as a Muslim women? To gain the love and support of Allah and truly liberate yourself from needing or desiring anything  other than that?

Purposeful Muslimah answers those questions and more.

So often we're taught the "what", but not the "how". Purposeful Muslimah takes you by the hand and onto a journey of self-awareness and positive growth for Allah's sake. This course will prompt a deep level of introspection, spiritual honesty, and cultivation of character, and a success mindset Bi'ithnillah. 

---> The focus of each of the ten core modules is to understand what constitutes wastefulness in the life of a Muslim, as defined by our noble Shaykh Ibn Al Qayyim. This is paired with real life examples, stories and most importantly - the mindset, habits, actions and relationships needed to bring about the opposite - a purposeful, productive, and happy life.

Below are the Purposeful Muslimah Success Keys you'll be exploring during the course:

Purpose Key #1: Knowledge Which is Acted Upon

Purpose Key #2: Sincerity to Allah and Adherence to the Sunnah of His Messenger (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) - Part 1 & 2

Purpose Key #3: The Proper Love of Allah

Purpose Key #4: A Body that Strives in Allah's Obedience (and the things that hinder that) - Part 1 & 2

Purpose Key #5: Love Which is Governed by What Pleases Allah - Part 1 & 2

Purpose Key #6: Avoiding Deep Contemplation of Things Which do Not Benefit

Purpose Key #7: Time Which is Used to Get Our Affairs in Order & Seek Closeness to Allah

Purpose Key #8: Wealth From Which Charity is Given

Purpose Key #9: Service to That Which Takes You Towards Allah

Purpose Key #10: Having Hope and Fear Only of Allah

Each module is paired with a reflective workbook containing questions and prompts to support you in examining your life in light of each topic, but also in developing a plan for implementing what you're learning, in order to see real world results, In shaa Allah.

$297.00 Read more...   Buy now

Reclaim Your{Self}: "The Self{ish} Project": Self{love} Self{care} Self{healing}

A deep and transformative journey into relcaiming yourSELF, through whol-istic lifestyle principles, emotional healing, spiritual elevation, self-love and sacred self-care for the Muslim woman - Healing Mind, Body & Spirit, Bi'ithnillah

Tired of always pouring into others, but never filling your own cup? It's time to finally put your{SELF} first.

The Self{ish} Project will take you on a guided journey of reflection, awareness, healing and growth.

In this 8 week SELF-PACED experience you will commit to leaving past pain and confusion behind you, build your self-esteem and resilience, set boundaries and own your voice to become the woman you've always known yourself to be.

--> 25 Soulful and Interactive Multi-Media Lessons

--> Deep and Introspective Workbooks, Exercises and Writing Prompts

-->Tranformative topics such as reprogramming negative self-talk, overcoming "Superwoman Syndrome" and people pleasing, setting loving boundaries, increasing worthiness, healing emotional wounds, supporting your health, speaking up for your dreams and coming fully into the woman you are meant to be, Bi'ithnillah. 

--> More Peace, Confidence, Balance and Happiness

$297.00 Read more...   Buy now

Start the Journey: (2) Workshop bundle - Power of Boundaries + Journey to Emotional Healing Workshop Bundles

Purchase 2 unique on demand workshops powerfully designed to transform your relationship to emotional pain and embrace the power of firm, "loving" boundaries in your life and relationships.

$294.00 Read more...   Buy now

Expand Your Healing: The Self{ish} Project & Fill Your Cup First Home Study Bundle

"Hibernate and Heal", with two transformational experiences for one low price.

Your 2 Workshop Bundle Includes:

$494.00 Read more...   Buy now

The Full Experience: The Journey to Emotional Healing + The Power of Boundaries + Fill Your Cup First + The Self{ish} Project 8 week Self Study course

Access our entire suite of emotional home study programs, for a truly immersive experience. Save EXTRA, when you purchase the full bundle.

$788.00   Buy now

30 Minute Clarity Session

30 Minute Clarity Session

Clarity is "King", When it Comes to Moving Forward in Life.

Whether it pertains to your healing journey, a family issue, increasing your spiritual connection, or launching your big idea - the insight from a trusted advisor is priceless.

The clarity session can literally be your launchpad to a new level of healing, connection, direction, and success by Allah's permission!


$127.00 Read more...   Buy now

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